I Can See Clearly Now

It was a busy busy week in our little household.  After a very lazy weekend the mom’s decided that we needed one more adventure before Mama C went back to that work place, so me and the mom’s and Auntie CC and my Thor all piled into our car and we went to a new place called the zoo.

I LOVE the zoo! Well, mostly I loved the Zoo-mobile because I got to sit up and watch all of the animals go by (who knew there were so many animals?! I thought there was only my dog Ellie and the cat) and the wind was blowing in my face and there’s nothing I like more than that.  I like to turn my face towards the wind so that I can feel it.  Auntie CC had never seen me do it before and she laughed and laughed.  But do you know who else loves the Zoo? My Mama C and Thor! Mama C had this thing attached to her face the whole time (Mommy says it’s a camera and now that I’m out of the hospital, I should just think of it as part of Mama C’s face) and she just kept taking pictures of Thor being all excited to run around and check out all of the animals.  Apparently she took lots of me and Mommy too, but I didn’t even notice because she likes things to be “candid”.  That lady is pretty silly.

On Tuesday, Mama C had to go back to work, so that left Mommy and I alone during the days.  Luckily we had lots to fill up our time so we didn’t miss Mama C too much.  We went to the pediatrician (I have a bit of a cold), and to Mommy’s old job.  We visited Mama C at work (because she always forgets her keys – Mommy thinks that it’s a ploy just to get some mid-day snuggle time) and did grocery shopping and returned our cable box (the mom’s decided that they weren’t watching a lot of TV, so they got rid of cable – I think it’s a big step for them!).   We had some home appointments, with a new lady named Cathy, who is called my case coordinator (she makes sure my dietician, occupational therapist and nurse all come at the right times and she can order me new services later on – like a speech therapist when I decide I want to start talking).  After talking to Mommy, Cathy couldn’t believe everything that had happened to me over the past few months and so she was very helpful in getting some extra services to help me get better faster.    I also got to see Kristen, my home OT, who was super crazy impressed with how much I’ve improved in the 2 weeks since I last saw her: I can rollover from my back to my side and hold my head up for ages and ages (even though it’s heavy!) and I started playing with my feet! This means that in just a short time, I’ve gone from being 1 month old (developmentally – I’m not really that little) to more than 3 months! I still have a lot of catching up to do, but everyone is really happy with how quickly I’m learning things.

Even more exciting is that I’m starting to see things again!! The mom’s were pretty sad that my brain injury seemed to cause a lot of problems with my vision and for a while they’re weren’t seeing it improve very much.  But then one day, early last week, Mama C put a Wiggles video on her phone, just to listen to the music and when she moved her phone, I totally looked at it and tracked it as she moved it from side to side! Then she turned the music off (just in case I was just moving my eyes to where the sound was coming from) and I did it again! It was a bit dark when she tried it that day, so she waited until the next day when it was bright and sunny in the living room and tried one more time and I still followed it with my eyes!  It’s still not perfect and most of the time I need to see it (whatever “it” is – it can be a toy or a light) from my peripheral (my side) first before I can track it (as opposed to just holding it up in front of me and letting me see it) and one of my eyes (it switches sometimes) turns in a little bit, but it’s still super super exciting and it’s giving everyone a lot of hope that all of my sight will come back soon!

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