Quick Fast

There are so many big and wonderful things that have happened in the past few days but I only have a quick fast minute to tell you all about them!


First of all, according to Health Canada, my name is Lily! It will take another 6-8 months before my adoption becomes finalized before the judge, but this is a first big step!  At least it means that all of my doctors and nurses will call me by the right name!

Secondly, we went to my first cardiology appointment since I was allowed to leave the hospital and everyone was super happy with how well I seem to be doing! I’ve gained more weight (14 pounds!) and gotten even taller. My oxygen levels are holding steady at 99-100% which is extra impressive with only 1 functioning lung!  It means that my right lung is kicking butt and taking names (and doing the work of 2 lungs really really well!)   They don’t want to see me again for another 2 months but at that appointment they will do an ECHO and an ECG and take a look at my veins more closely and decide what to do then. If they’re narrow again, then I’ll be booked for another heart catheter, but if             they’re the same then they’ll keep doing scans every 3 months (any shorter than that and the results all start to look the same). I even got treated like a bit of a celebrity because 1 of the doctors who was looking at me had just done a big presentation to some other doctors about PVS and he used my pictures! He was happy to meet me in person and even happier to see how great I looked (I think I surprised him a little bit!).

We also talked about the winter and it being something that the mom’s called “cold and flu” season and the doctor’s gave them some good tips called “common sense” to use for the next few months to make sure that I stay healthy and that my 1 lung doesn’t have to work any extra: make sure everyone who touches me washes their hands, the mom’s have to get a flu shot, don’t let any kids kiss or touch my face because they just might not have symptoms of being sick yet and just be smart about where I’m going and who I’m hanging around. It’s a lot of stuff, but at least it doesn’t mean any extra medicine!

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