Sticky mess and saying Thanks

This week Mama C had to google, “How to get vaseline out of my child’s hair?”  You would be surprised how many hits came up! You see, I have a little case of cradle cap that keeps rearing it’s ugly head.  A few weeks ago, Mommy tried using olive oil, but didn’t wash it out very well and Mama C didn’t notice until she and I were at Sick Kids for an appointment and she took off my hat.  She was not impressed.

So this week, when we noticed that it was getting a little worse, google told Mama C to try using vaseline for 10 minutes and then washing it out.  Well, we washed it out 3 times that night and then Mommy tried to wash it out ANOTHER 3 times in the morning and I still looked like Danny Zuko from Grease.  But this time, the joke was on Mommy because she had to take me to our music class looking all gross.  In the end, google finally helped and we ended up using olive oil again, letting it soak for 10 minutes and then washing it all out with dish soap! It worked, and after washing with regular shampoo as well, my hair is actually softer then ever!

Luckily that was the most traumatic part of my week.  In fact,  other than the vaseline fiasco, this week has been pretty fun.  On Sunday a bunch of my favourite people all got together and we trekked downtown to watch the Santa Claus parade.  Now, I don’t know a whole lot about this Santa Claus character yet.  Last year I was in the hospital over Christmas, so it was just me and the nurses, but from what Mama C has been telling me this Santa Claus guy is kind of a big deal.  She keeps talking about Christmas like it’s this magical time of year and there are lights and happiness and presents! I can totally get behind this.  However, it seems that I was a little too excited about seeing Santa Claus for the first time and I tuckered myself out and slept through the whole parade instead.  Ooops.  Maybe I’ll do better next year.

Then, on Monday I had to go and get something called my RSV vaccine.  RSV is an infection that most people get and it doesn’t cause any problems because it’s like a cold, but in babies who are born early and kids with heart issues like me, it can lead to lung infections which causes far more serious problems.  So, to make sure I don’t get this I have to get a needle once a month until March.  The good news though is that the doctor who is giving me the needle is actually the same doctor who saved my life in July! On Monday I got to see her for the first time since July and she was soo happy to see me! The mom’s brought her flowers and a card to say thanks, even though they found it was a little hard to find the right words to say thank you.  She thought that I looked fantastic and that my pigtails were adorable.  She said, and I quote, “this is the best ending to a code blue ever!”  I was happy to see her and I know it meant a lot to the mom’s to get to see her too.

I’ll leave you with one more picture for today.  The mom’s are starting to feed me some solid food, which is a little tricky because of my big tongue.  It takes me a while to get into the rhythm and the first time they tried, it made a really really big mess.  But I loved it and now I fully understand what they mean by food coma!

1 Comment

  1. Catrina says:

    Instead of olive oil, try using baby oil. If you comb it through it helps get the cradle cap off and remove excess. If you let some normal soap sit on her hair for a minute or so it will help clear it off. 🙂 it smells better too! I’ve read every one of your blogs lol.

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