#500 for 5

5 years.  Since just after that horrible day 4 years ago, the goal has been 5 years.  “Take her home and grow her,” they told us, “if the day comes when she needs a heart-lung transplant, the success rate improves dramatically once a child is 5.”  It seemed impossible.  5 years felt more like a …

Cuter on TV

I didn’t think it was possible, but Lily may be even cuter on TV, but that may also be a proud momma speaking. I can’t believe it actually aired and that I didn’t nervous giggle even once.  Watching the segment, there’s a moment where I could sense it coming but I was able to hold …

The Amazing Constant Chaos

When you parent a child with special needs and any type of medical needs, you often hear people say, “I don’t know how you do it.”  Most of the time I just shrug it off because I don’t always know either, but as a parent, you don’t think about it, you just do it. However, …

A Sneak Peek of Mr. A

My “little” sister is only 2 years younger than I am and has 2 beautiful sons, yet I somehow have this image of her and her friends together and they’re all still so young.  When I think about them married with babies, it always takes me a moment to realize that they’re not too young …

Happy Birthday Young Man

I’m not really talking about Down syndrome today. Today is my dad’s 85th birthday. 85 years. It’s pretty amazing. I’m so much like my mother that I sometimes forget about how much I get from my dad as well: my love of the royal family, how I tap my fingers to the rythym of any …