The Faces of PVS

The moment that Lily’s surgeon started talking is captured like a snapshot in my mind.  For me, it’s the line in the sand that defined “before” and “after”.  We, unlike so many parents of children with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD), knew of Lily’s original heart issues, AVSD and Coarctation of Aorta; we were prepared for …

A Dirty Shoe

“It looks like she may have stepped in gum, or play-doh.” We’ve been harbouring a little secret around here.  Our little bum-scooting maniac is showing signs that she’s no longer content with just having access to the things directly in front of her on the floor.  She’s decided that the things on the other side …

200 Metres for Hope

On Friday afternoon I will walk 200m up Spadina Avenue.  It should take less than 5 minutes but it will be 5 minutes that I hope will go on to mean so much more.  Earlier this year I applied to be one of the torch bearers for the 2015 Parapan Am Games and on Friday …

#500 for 5

5 years.  Since just after that horrible day 4 years ago, the goal has been 5 years.  “Take her home and grow her,” they told us, “if the day comes when she needs a heart-lung transplant, the success rate improves dramatically once a child is 5.”  It seemed impossible.  5 years felt more like a …

Cuter on TV

I didn’t think it was possible, but Lily may be even cuter on TV, but that may also be a proud momma speaking. I can’t believe it actually aired and that I didn’t nervous giggle even once.  Watching the segment, there’s a moment where I could sense it coming but I was able to hold …