Living It Up

I thought that Mama C was joking a little bit when she kept saying that we were going to cram an entire summer of fun into the two weeks before she goes back to that work place, but she wasn’t.  That Mama knows about scheduling (they should give her a scheduling project at work….oh wait….).  We have just been so so busy this week and I really like it.

On Monday, our friends the Randall’s got back from JAC camp and because the mom’s missed them so much (and me too, but that goes without saying) we all went out to dinner and then went back to their house where Madison and Michael held me lots and then Cathy rocked me to sleep.  I was sad when the mom’s woke me up to take me home.  Cathy is pretty comfy.  We also got to see Papa that night (that’s Cathy’s dad) and he is really funny.  He really likes to tease Mommy but secretly I think he really likes her.

On Tuesday, we finally got to go back to Mama C’s swimming lessons with Thor and Darshan.   Mama C has a really good time swimming with them, mostly because she thinks that they’re both “so so cute.”  I also got my g-tube stitches out on Tuesday, which means that I can go swimming now too so I think Mama C will take me with her sometimes so that I can learn to love the water too.  She keeps saying that swimming is in my blood, and I don’t have the heart to remind her that this is not entirely accurate.  The mom’s also keep looking at something called the FUN Guide and they’ve started planning activities for the fall – Mommy is excited for a place called Riverdale Farm and EYCC, so I think we’ll be there quite a bit.

Today, my new home OT, Kristin, came for her first visit.  Mommy seemed to think that I liked playing with Kristin almost as much as Lisa and we got a whole bunch of exercises that I should do to make my neck stronger and hopefully my eyes a little better too.  I heard Mommy and Kristin talking about “a lot of tummy time” so I’m very cautious to see what happens with that in the next few days, but if they try too much I’ll make sure that everyone hears just how loud my screaming can be!  Once Kristin was gone, Cathy, Madison and Michael showed up at our house with Mama C in tow (she had been shopping with Madison) and we all got ready to go to this place called the EX.  Everyone was really excited but I didn’t understand the hype – I mean all of the lights were really cool and everyone laughed about all the gross food they were eating, but I totally didn’t get to ride any of the rides, so i think I got ripped off.  I told Mama C that next year I’m going on at least the carousel!

Tomorrow, we have a super fun day planned with my Theresa, Jason and Joey.  We’re going to meet a place called High Park close to Gramma and Pa’s house.  Mama C said that there is a zoo and geese to feed and a big park to play in (that’s for Joey mostly) and a wading pool and a train ride!! It sounds like my idea of fun.  All the grown-up’s are bringing food so we’re going to have a picnic lunch and just enjoy being outside .  I don’t know what’s on the plan for next week, but if Mama C has anything to do with it, we’ll be busy!

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